Conjugate the following verbs: entender (Uds.)
1. sala
2. cocina
3. planchar la ropa
4. la oficina
5. la madre de Pedro
You have to listen the audio and complete:
1. Pedro va a limpiar primero la sala. (Pedro is going to clean the room first.
2. Paula va a comenzar en la cocina
. (Paula is going to start in the kitchen
3. Pedro va a planchar la ropa en el sótano.
(Pedro will iron the clothes in the basement.)
4. Pedro también va a limpiar la oficina. (Pedro will also clean the office.
5. Ellos están limpiando la casa porque la madre de Pedro viene a visitarlos. (They are cleaning the house because Pedro's mother comes to visit them.)
Translated questions by Mimiwhatsup/Answers:
1. In Latin American countries, it's always very hot. (False)
2. A stereotype is something that people think is not always the truth. (True)
3. A example of a stereotype is that Spanish is spoken in Spain. (False)
4. If there's a downpour, that means it's raining little. (True)
5. During a thunderstorm, there are lightning and thunder. (False)
Es posible que ella no reciba su paquete en la oficina de correos.