Boiling point. If you boil water it changes from a liquid to a gas, which is a physical change. The rest are chemical properties because the chemical make up of an object changes.
This is based on borderline personality disorder which is low levels of activity in anterior cingulate cortex is associated with hoarding behaviors, suicidal behavior that is 7.5% suicide over 20 years old, self-injury 2/3 ; 3/4 stabilize in 10 to 15 years, co-morbid PTSD or mood disorder, at risk for substance abuse and eating disorders, schizotypal personality disorder, might be related to dissociation identity disorder, genes account for 60% variance in developing BPD, lower serotonin function, increased activation of amygdala and disturbed connectivity b/w prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.
Due to newly formed land.
Surtsey provided ideal conditions for studying primary succession because due to volcanic eruption all the vegetation and living organisms are destroyed from the surface and the land has no vegetation. Primary succession only occurs when the land is colonized for the first time after the formation of land due to natural disaster such as volcanic eruption etc. So we can say that Surtsey provided the conditions for observing primary succession.