UNIX is simply an operating system developed by Bell Laboratories in the 1960s. Ever since then, it has been constantly worked upon and developed. It is an operating system because it is a suite of programs capable of making a computer to function. Unix is considered to be a stable, multi-user, and multi-tasking system for both desktops and laptops and even servers.
The correct option to the following question is option (B). e-business.
E-business is stands for the Electronic business.
E-business is the business which is conduct by the uses of the internet, Web, extranet or intranet, etc.
E-business is also known as the online business where online transactions take place.
E-business facilitates our customers that the selling and the buying of the goods between the consumers and the merchants.
Import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Sprhere
{// Instance Data private double surfaceA, volume, r, diameter; //Constructors public Sphere ()
{r = 0;diameter = 0; surfaceA = 0;volume = 0;}
public Sphere (double radius, double d, double SA, double v)
{this. r = radius; this. diameter = d; this. surfaceA = SA;this.volume = v;}
//--------------------------------------------------------------------// Accesors.//--------------------------------------------------------------------public double get Radius()
{return r;}
public double get Diameter()
{return diameter;}
public double get SurfaceA()
{return surfaceA;}
public double get Volume()
{return volume;}
//--------------------------------------------------------------------// Mutators.//--------------------------------------------------------------------
1.Select the data.
2.Go to Data –> Data Tools –> Remove Duplicates.
3.In the Remove Duplicates dialog box: If your data has headers, make sure the 'My data has headers' option is checked. Make sure the column is selected (in this case there is only one column).