The correct answer is the mayor’s office from displaying a cross.
The establishment cause makes it so that the government cannot establish or endorse a specific religion. This establishment clause ensures that citizens have the right to freedom of religion. This is why the mayor's office would not be able to display a cross, as this would sure an endorsement of a specific religion on government property.
Buddhism is a centered of upon a life and teachings of Gautama Budda
And Christianity is a centered on the life of teachings of Jesus Christ
Vicksburg AssaultsMay 19 and 22, 1863-Two dramatic assaults occurred against the works surrounding Vicksburg, Mississippi, the key bastion that prevented Union naval supremacy of the Mississippi River. The two attacks cost the Union army 4,100 casualties and no ground gained. However, in the end, extended siege forced the garrison to surrender. On Independence Day, Major General Ulysses Grant seized the city and paroled its starving defenders.
ChancellorsvilleMay 1-3, 1863-Fought in Virginia, this battle was the third bloodiest battle of the war. Although it was a stunning Confederate success, the Army of Northern Virginia lost 22 percent of its force and one of its ablest generals, “Stonewall” Jackson, who had been accidentally shot by his own men on May 2.
Y2K problem
Y2K problem is short for Year 2000 problem or also called millennium bug, was a computer program problem because the coding in the computer systems till 1990's was such that they save the years in two digits instead of four to save space. For example, the year 1998 was saved as '98'. It created an environment of fear among many government offices and data processing companies that the computers would stop working from mid night of 1 January 2000.