The typical story of reproduction is that males and females of an animal species do it sexually. Generally, that's what honeybees do, too. Sperm from a male drone fertilizes a queen's eggs, and she sends out a chemical signal, or pheromone, that renders worker bees, which are all female, sterile when they detect it.
In the Cape bee, female worker bees are able to reproduce asexually: they lay eggs that are essentially fertilized by their own DNA, which develop into new worker bees. The team sequenced the entire genomes of a sample of Cape bees and compared them with other populations of honeybees that reproduce normally
Plant cells are bigger because they have bigger/larger Vacuoles.
These vacuoles hold water and food for the cell its like a storage for the cell.
El híbrido va a ser esteril.
En la cruza entre dos especies distintas, cuando ocurre, existen distintos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo, que son barreras que inhiben o interrumpen el flujo génico entre especies distintas. Es decir que no habrá exito reproductivo de estas cruzas. Se trata de caracteres biológicos propios de cada especie que previenen la reproducción con otras especies.
Estos mecanismos de aislamiento reproductivo pueden ser precigóticos o postcigóticos.
1.Pre-copulatorios o pre-cigóticos:
- Ecológico o por aislamiento de hábitat;
- Por incompatibilidad de gametas.
2. Post-copulatorios o cigóticos:
- Inviabilidad del híbrido;
- Híbrido con viabilidad o fertilidad disminuido;
- Interacciones citoplasmáticas.
La mula es producto de la cruza entre dos especies distintas: una yegua (Equus ferus caballus) y un burro (Equus africanus asinus). Es un ejemplo de la accion de mecanismo poscigótico, en el cual se forma un híbrido viable esteril. Este ejemplar puede nacer, crecer y sobrevivir, pero que no puede producir gametas funcionales, por lo cual no puede reproducirse.
The main difference is that quotas restrict quantity while tariff works through prices
I would say about her body composition is that she is within recommendations for waist circumference and percent body fat. She has a normal BMI or Body Mass Index, she has a good body composition because she is a varsity player and she is exercising her body well. So the answer in this question is she is within recommendation for waist circumference and percent body fat.