Greek art and literature provided the basis of most western art and literature today, as one can observe the Greeks were very enchanted by the human form and truly brought a new degree of realism into their art and sculpture because of it. As for their literature, the Greeks laid a foundation that was then built upon by the Romans, who brought it to Europe, and although it has undergone an immense amount of change over time, it laid a sound foundation for what we have today.
The most widely held belief is that the first rock'n'roll single was 1951's Rocket 88, written by Ike Turner, sung by Jackie Brenston
Good melodies come with practice. The criteria that must be met in order to come up with a good melody are as written; Most good melodies use repeating elements.
Most good melodies are comprised of stepwise motion, with occasional leaps. Melodies that are too leapy are often too difficult to sing. Most good melodies have a climactic point. A climactic point usually refers to a melody’s highest pitch, but not always.
G, D, A, E, F#. You can easily use the circle of 5ths to find this!!!!
You can use dishsoap, lotion, even toilet paper. theres lots of utube vids