When a substance abuse treatment program is acquired by another program, the next course of action is that <u>if any patients refuse consent to transfer, those records maybe destroyed or retained in compliance with the statue of limitations</u>
The Substance Abuse Confidentiality Regulations devised by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides confidentiality to the patients undergoing a treatment program for substance abuse.
Under this regulation, section 2.19 details and sets forth rules to follow when a program is acquired by another program.
This states that the program must either purge the identifying details of the patient from its records or destroy it until or unless the patient consents for the transfer of details or information in the records.
This condition can be exceptional in compliance with the statute of limitations and the records can be retained, like in case of any legal requirements
<span>The question is asking us to fill in the gaps in the following sentence: When a person loses consciousness due to a head injury from a car crash, the (gap) keeps the body functioning by regulating the flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body. The best answer is that the gap should be filled by "autonomous nervous system" - this system is the one that is not controlled consciously, but one that is working in the background to make sure our body functions work properly.</span>
Kindly see answers below:
1. operon is not transcribe• b.) lac operon: lactose absent• e.) trp operon: tryptophan present2. operon is transcribed, but not sped up by the positive control• a.) trp operon: tryphophan absent• d.) lac operon: lactose present, glucose present3. operon is transcribed quicklu through positive control• c.) lac operon: lactose present, glocuse absent