Which of the following statements best summarizes the text above?AThe annoying milfoil plant does extensive harm to human facili
ties as well as to fragile ecosystems. It spreads ruthlessly by water current and should be a major concern to outdoor enthusiasts. BFern-like and harmless-looking, milfoil is a secret threat. Dense growths of the Eurasian native crowd the waterways, creating unfavorable conditions for swimmers, boaters, and fishers.
CMilfoil, a non-native species of water plant, ruins recreational water activities and heartlessly wipes out food sources and habitats for animals.
DEurasian milfoil is an invasive species that spreads both naturally and with human help. Milfoil is an “invader” because it can harm water facilities, destroy animal habitats, and crowd out native plants.
D-Eurasian milfoil is an invasive species that spreads both naturally and with human help. Milfoil is an “invader” because it can harm water facilities, destroy animal habitats, and crowd out native plants.
if you refer to the recesses of someone's mind or soul, you are referring to thoughts or feelings they have which are hidden or difficult to describe. There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him."
Despite the difficulties and circumstances in which the people live, they have not abandoned science because they are certain that they are the fruit of the future, with which they will change the present to a better future.