initial appearance
In the United States, the states that do not utilize preliminary hearings schedule an arraignment date at the initial appearance.
brainliest? :)
Answer: The answer is provided below
The four liabilities of incoming and outgoing partners are:
1. person who is admitted as a partner to an existing firm apart from a limited partnership or an incorporated limited partnership doesn't by that particular admission alone become liable for anything which is done before the person becomes a partner.
2. A person admitted as a general partner into a limited partnership or an incorporated limited partnership that already exists does not by the admission alone become liable for things done before the individual became a general partner.
3. A partner who retires from a firm other than limited partnership or an incorporated limited partnership doesn't by the retirement alone cease to be liable for the partnership debts and the obligations that were incurred before the retirement of the partner.
4. A partner who retires from a limited partnership or an incorporated limited partnership
doesn't by the retirement alone cease to be liable for the liabilities of the firm that were incurred before the retirement of the partner for which the partner were liable.
legislative makes laws, executive enforces laws, judicial interprets laws
Zapoznaj się z zamieszczonymi niżej danymi i określ, czy zdania A–C są prawdziwe.
Źródło: Korzystanie z internetu, Komunikat z badań CBOS, Warszawa, kwiecień 2017.
W Polsce coraz więcej osób korzysta z urządzeń przenośnych służących do łączenia się z internetem.
Na podstawie wykresu można sformułować opinię, że Polacy są społeczeństwem informacyjnym.
Ponad połowa Polaków mogła się łączyć internetem za pomocą urządzeń przenośnych już w 2010 r.
Odszukaj, korzystając z dowolnego medium, informację o tym, ile osób w Polsce posiada telefon komórkowy, laptop, tablet.
Podyskutujcie w klasie o tym, czy potrzebne są zasady etyczne w internecie.
Wyjaśnij, na czym polega zasada zachowania tajemnicy źródła informacji. Dlaczego jest ona ważna?
Actually, a detective should be taking notes, while an officer should be finding the suspect. So the answer is- false.