Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb changed American life tremendously. Thomas Edison was known for inventing what is called the light bulb, and that made a huge impact to have Americans live on a daily basis. Americans had a hard time seeing things in the dark, which caused a lot of complications when it comes to completing tasks or just going through and out buildings. Because of this invention, Americans could easily see things when inside a house, building, and when it's night time. The light bulb gave light so people can do tasks without having to do them in the dark. Without the light bulb, it would be very complicated to do things in the dark, and people would have a hard time going through the night or dark places.
Sargon did not move from south to north to conquer Sumer. FALSE.
C) The invention of the printing press and improvements in literacy
ohannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1430s. Until that moment, all the literary and printing were made manually. The spread of reading and knowledge across Europe turns into something speed and practical. When it comes to Protestant Reformation, the printing press became <u>a useful tool to disseminate the new values, but especially to offer a considerable number of people, an easy reading content. </u>Another important point about these new values was<u> the need to offer the Bible in the common language.</u> Since the rise of Christianity in the third century, the Bible and the cult celebrations were made in Latin, turning the understanding and the access very hard to a common population. <u>From that moment, all the material would be printed to be easily understandable.</u>
Answer:the electoral college ended in a tie
Explanation :It was the fourth of five presidential elections in which the winning candidate lost the popular vote, and is considered one of the closest elections in US history. the electoral collage ended in a tie 269-269