42 years and 322 days
Theodore '' Teddy'' Roosevelt is the youngest person that has become president of the United States of America. He had only 42 years and 322 days when he was elected. Roosevelt came to office after the assassination of his predecessor William McKinley. He is a beloved president that the Americans have in good memory and he had numerous achievements. Some of his achievements were:
- Averting a national emergency by dealing with the 1902 coal strike
- Managed to curb the monopolistic power of the railroads
- Destroyed the ''Beef Trust''
- Implemented laws to decrease adulteration and misbranding
- Made conservation a national issue
- Facilitated the construction of the Panama Canal
- Strengthened the navy of the United States.
The primary goal of life tenure is to insulate the officeholder from external pressures. Certain heads of state, such as monarchs and presidents for life, are also given life tenure. United States federal judges have life tenure once appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
Correct answer is Colonists were angered that they were not represented in the British government
First option is not correct as colonists believed in the democracy and in the equal representations of citizens in the British Empire.
Second option is correct as although they participated in the war, helped Britain to win the war, but still had no representative in the British government that would fight for the rights of the colonists.
Third option is not correct as this had no connection with their ideals and problems.
A law that limits the content of popup advertisements on the Internet would be enforced by the "Federal Communications Commission," since this would be considered a form of interstate communication.