1-Single celled ( made of 1 cell) or unicelliular
2-An organelle are small organs are separate body parts that perform certain functions in the human body, organelles are microscopic sub-units that perform specific functions within individual cells. Organelles are specialized structures that perform various jobs inside cells. (don't have to type all but just see what you need)
3- Oldest
4- Cell membrane
5- cytoskeleton
6-cytoplasm includes all of the material inside of the cell, the cytoplasm is a thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane. It is mainly composed of water, salts, and proteins.
A litote is an understatement that expresses the affirmative by saying the negative of the contrary. This is a wordy definition that can make it difficult to understand. Here are a few examples:
That wasn't the messiest house I've ever seen. - This sentence says that the house is messy by saying the contrary - that it's not messy.
The poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost has a litote because it says that the world being destroyed would be "great" and "would suffice". He doesn't actually think this to be true.
Study the history of your country
'En' is a prefix that means 'to cause. ... So, the base word of danger plus the prefix and suffix means 'to have caused danger.
Google said so
The answer is A. The witches show macbeth a procession of banquo's descendants as kings. (apex)