I think it's Kinship Care
Kinship care refers to the care of children by relatives or, in some jurisdictions, close family friends (often referred to as fictive kin). Relatives are the preferred resource for children who must be removed from their birth parents because it maintains the children's connections with their families.
Answer:social learning
Social learning refers to how we learn from all those around us by closely watching their behaviour. Mostly we have people we look up to as our model and we are likely to model their behaviour after studying it carefully and we may find ourselves later doing what they did exactly as they were doing it.
However the behavior that we imitate depends on whether the behavior that we observed was reinforced or punished from our model. If the behaviour we observed was reinforced which means it hard a rewarding outcome ,it is likely that we will imitate that behavior so that we can also receive such reinforcement however if the behaviour was punished it is less likely that we will imitate it.
This is why Donna is trying to look at their mistakes and achievement because she wants to learnt from their mistakes and not repeat them and imitate those behavior that led to achievements.
+ Feminism: A Transformational Politic Hooks conclude should be the main concern for future feminist movements and the revitalization of feminist perspectives The central concern, hooks says, should not be to reinforce the paradigm of men as the enemy, but to “begin as women seriously addressing ourselves, not solely ...02-Dec-2019
Here is the correct answer that would best complete the given statement above. <span>A thorough study conducted in newark regarding foot patrols concluded that adding foot patrol: </span>did not affect serious crime, but did have a positive impact on public perception of the police. Newark foot patrol experiment was conducted from 1978-1979. Hope this answer helps.
1. French alliance with the Americans which combated the British fleet
2. Difficult for British to resupply/get reinforcements as they went farther from the coast
3. Nathaniel Greene (American General) wore British troops down leading to Yorktown