A. offer to send Old Yeller away to live on his own
The elements that should be considered for writing a research plan are:
- state which your research will be about
- objectives of the research
- theory ( it is called literature review). At this stage you should mention the publications you have read, point out inconsistencies, identify what you might use, make sure to write a synthesis.
- research questions and hypothesis
- approach (briefly discuss the approach you are using)
- imformation sources
What play are you referring to ?
The answer is Summer vacation came as a relief to the student, who was tired of studying and writing research papers.
<h3>how the discovery of gravity by Isaac Newton has changed the whole idea about Earth and the planets.</h3>
The idea of the whole text is to let the readers understand how the discovery of gravity by Isaac Newton has changed the understanding about Earth and the planets.
It was a breakthrough discovery in science which helped in understanding the physics of how Earth and heaven (heavenly bodies) worked.
Therefore, this sentence contain the central idea of the whole text as it states how the discovery of gravity has connected the physics between Earth and other heavenly bodies.