its is A. lack of economic stability, the other guy on here is wrong. I took the quiz and got his answer wrong so I re did the quiz and made a 100. Hope this helps, peace.
Thomas Jefferson, a distinguished representative from Virginia (even a former governor), was charged by the Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence of 1976 together with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. However, the draft is mainly Jefferson´s work. US independence was proclaimed on July 4, 1776.
In the aftermath of world war 1 which lasted between 1914 to 1918. There were efforts to prevent future war. It is on this note that the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson declared that To avoid future wars, Wilson believed that military forces should be disarmed.
Wilson reason that one of the main reasons for the cause of war is because many European soldiers readily armed to fight wars.
North: Canada
South: Mexico
Answer: Latinamericans felt themselves inferiors in their own countries. They could not held offices and they did not have full civil rights. In some countries (Brazil) there was a slavery. French and American revolutions translated ideas of Enlightenment (rationalism, constitutionalism, civil, political and human rights).
Explanation: In some Latinamerican countries there was no sufficient schooling and literacy what made the situation a bit difficult. Political and social emancipation took place only between higher, richer and more educated levels of society.