The quote is by abraham lincoln
Answer: Well a team is a bunch of people that work together, for example in a sports game, there is a team working together to win
Answer: ADHD.
Explanation: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a group of behavioral disorders which symptoms are hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattentiveness. People who have been diagnosed with ADHD may also experience sleeping problems and anxiety disorders. Even though energetic children who have difficulty sitting quietly for long periods in school, are likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, that may not be the case at times.
I think Joe Biden won... Donald Trump was having a hard time with the Moderator, Trump was called out for interrupting many times and talking when it was Biden's interrupted 2 minutes, Trump had signed a contract saying not to interrupt, I feel like America will see he is not keeping his word to the contract well, Not to be judgmental but I think we can saw Biden played well