Our brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right. Each hemisphere tends to specialize in controlling different body functions, but a curious thing about our brain is decussated - that is, the left and right hemisphere are crossed: <u>the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side</u>. Generally speaking, this means that any damage caused to a hemisphere will manifest on the opposite side of the body. In our example, since the individual is experiencing a tingling on the right side of the face, the MRI will show an abnormality in the brain tissue of the left hemisphere.
The correct answer is C) 1941. Hope this helps.
Stratify means to divide into parts, and unequal parts, such that there is a hierarchy between people.
One of the ways that the American people are stratified is financially: the richest people can have control over the poorer people. This is often connected to politics: the richest people have more political power.
Another way is through education: the more educated people can have more power than the less educated ones.
Mutually exclusive describes two events that cannot occur simultaneously. For instance, I cannot roll one dice and get both a 5 and a 6.
Through checks and balances. All branches have equal power.