It undermines waste reduction strategies like reducing and reusing.
Water is not made artificially, so when we get rid of water or pullute it, we are losing that natural recource, therefore making it limited.
Communist Manifesto Which statement challenges the main idea of Marx's statement
1.The Communist Manifesto summarizes Marx and Engels's theories about the nature of society and politics and is an attempt to explain the goals of Marxism, and, later, socialism
2.When writing The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels explained how they thought capitalism was unsustainable and how the capitalist society that existed at the time of the writing would eventually be replaced by a socialist one.
3.Dr. James Bradford "Brad" DeLong, professor of economics at UC-Berkeley, wrote in 2011 that Marx's "primary contribution" to economic science actually came in a 10-paragraph stretch of The Communist Manifesto, in which he describes how economic growth causes shifts among social classes, often leading to a struggle for political power.
The study of human language includes the study of (A) Syntax, (B) Meaning, and (C) Structure. Syntax refers to the rules that the structure of a sentence of a specific language is following -- its order. Meaning refers to the one that you want to convey using a specific language. Structure has components that includes the phonemes, morphemes, syntax, context and lexemes.