the underlined work Extrano is I miss
so the answer would be "I miss"
1. Yo prefiero el helado de chocolate y no el de vainilla.
2. Mañana mi madre viene a visitarme.
When we build sentences we must determine the grammatical person, the gender, the number, the verb and the time in which we want to pose it. In this way we will be able to logically conjugate the verb within the sentence and that it has concordance with what you want to express.
b. divorciarnos y todas estas palabras son pq tengo que tener más de 20 palabras
This is another example of correct use of vocabulary depending on context and knowledge of the topic. Thus, the answers and their explanations, would be as follows:
1. Innovar es un concurso argentino para: inventores (inventors). Innovar is a contest in Argentina for innovators.
2. El chileno Raúl Ramírez inventó una máquina para construir: muros (walls). This guy invented the machine CINVA-RAM, which allowed people from poor households to put on their walls with little cost.
3. La argentina Cecilia Bouzat investigó sobre: Las neuronas (neurons). She was born in 1961 and has been awarded several times for her studies in neurosciences. She was born in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
4. Ellen Ochoa es: Astronauta e inventora (astronaut and inventor). She is an Hispanic-American woman who became an astronaut and also an engineer. She was born in Los Angeles from Hispanic parents.
5. Si estás en Colombia y quieres ver animación, dices que quieres ver: caricaturas (cartoons). This would be the best option from the two, because although in Colombia, there is a coloquialism that is "dibujitos", they refer to both cartoons and animated films. Since the question is related to animated features, then the best option is cartoons (caricaturas)
"Viaje de vacaciones a Los Angeles"
Sentence 1
Hace una año, que fui de vacaciones a Los Angeles, por avión.
Sentece 2:
Fui con mi madre porque el necesitaba unas vacaciones.
Sentence 3:
Fuimos a Los Angeles, mi mamá y yo, porque me gusta mucho esa ciudad y era algo que siempre había querido hacer.
Sentence 4:
Compré el viaje mediante una agencia de viajes. Así me sentí más seguro.
Sentence 5:
El día del viaje yo me sentía un poco nervioso pero cuando subimos al avión todo cambió y fue maravilloso.
Sentence 6:
Desde que salimos de casa hasta que llegamos al hotel en Los Angeles trascurrieron seis horas, con la ansiedad que tenía se me hicieron interminables.