The government can only restrict information that could present an immediate threat to security or the public
He was happy for being small sized.
The narrator of "Drummer Man" is small sized. Based on the excerpt we can infer that he was not much happy with his small size. It was only one of two times when he liked being small sized.
His regiment had to retreat from a war front, but their Captain was wounded and left between the lines. Someone had to go there and drag Captain back to safe place. It was not easy for other soldiers to do it owing to their large size. The narrator because of being small in size did the job with not much difficulty. So he was happy for his small size.
The haiku " Birds scatter in flight Colorful specks in the air Noisy confetti" makes use of a 5/7/5 syllable pattern.
Haiku is a traditional Japanese poem. The number of lines present in a haiku is 3. First line line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. Third line also has 5 syllables. Syllables is nothing but a part of a word that can be pronounced as a unit. These haiku rarely contains rhyming words.
The above haiku can be split into syllable as follows:
Birds /sca/ tter/ in/ flight/
Co/ lor/ ful/specks/ in/ the/ air
Noi/sy/con/fe/ tti