I wanna see Candice attend everyone's sports games.
In this excerpt from The Song of Hiawatha, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow tries to share with the reader the feelings about native american indians and their beautiful traditions with the objective of recording the deeds of Hiawatha and showing the reasons why he was so imporant for his tribe.
Jo additionally adores writing, both perusing and composing it. She creates plays for her sisters to perform and composes stories that she in the end gets distributed. She emulates Dickens and Shakespeare and Scott, and at whatever point she's not doing tasks she curls up in her room, in the edge of the attic, or outside, totally ingested in a good book.
Meg, short for Margaret, is the most oldest and (until Amy grows up) the prettiest of the four March sisters. She's the most typical of the sisters – we think about her as everything that you may expect a nineteenth-century American young lady from a good family to be. Meg luxury, nice things, dainty food, and great society. She's the only sister who can truly recall when her family used to be wealthy, and she feels nostalgic about those past times worth remembering. Her fantasy is to be wealthy once again, and have a big mansion with tons of servants and costly belongings. She's additionally somewhat of a sentimental; when she needs to tell a story to delight her sisters, it's about love and marriage, and Jo begins to suspect at an early stage that Meg may have a genuine Prince Charming in her thoughts. Meg is sweet-natured, devoted, and not in the least flirtatious – truth be told, she's unreasonably great and proper. Maybe that's the reason she's so alarm by her sister Jo's boisterous, tomboyish behavior.
Laboratories, also referred to as "labs," are primarily used for science lectures, research, and experiments.
Hope this helps!