Heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Answer: it stresses the personal value
The poem's rhyme scheme should be AABB if the original version is written as
Instruments poised, chins high
Not a blink, nor a sigh
as every eye awaits her hand
to cue the members of the band.
We have to fill the gaps in this outline. The correct, logical designation of this outline is given in the following order:
II. Overview of technological advances
B. B) Podcasts
III. Pros of using technology in the classroom
B. D) Improves academic performance
C. Benefits students with special needs
1. C) Study in 2003 by Elise Temple on dyslexic students
IV. Cons of using technology in the classroom
A. Health Hazards
1. A) Health effects of long-term radiation exposure
Podcast is going to be in the scope of technology. Pros of technology refers to the positive impact of the technology and therefore we choose an option which has a positive meaning. It is D. Dyslexic students need a special care and it is going to be added to the subsection of students with special needs. Radiation has got a negative health effects and therefore it is given under Health Hazards subsection. Additionally, Cons of using technology in the classroom is not given as an option, but it is correct to view it as an independent section.