C. To provide background that explains the reactions of school authorities
Born into slavery in Maryland, Harriet Tubman escaped to freedom in the North in 1849 to become the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. Tubman risked her life to lead hundreds of family members and other slaves from the plantation system to freedom on this elaborate secret network of safe houses.
1. Volcanologists agree that eruptions still cannot be predicted with absolute certainty.
<span>(needs citation because who are you to know what most volcanologists agree on? Need to give a good citation for this "fact" which someone else may not agree) </span>
<span>2. If every home in America replaced one incandescent light bulb with an energy-efficient fluorescent light bulb, the energy savings would be enormous (Marcato, 78). </span>
<span>(Note, I put a comma after author Marcato, and you would have to title, IF you had two different sources by author Marcato) </span>
<span>3. Use the book's title instead of the author's name. </span>
<span>BTW, this is not a "history" question, but a research paper question, IMO. </span>
<span>Note, you must have a bibliography attached to paper when making citations, to give complete data in regards to where you found your sources cited.</span>
What initial facts or clues have you gathered in Part 1 of the story? Be sure to listatleastthree important facts or clues.Answer:Claire Williams answers the door before the detective could even get the chance to ring the doorbell. She is notwearing her wedding ring.There is the same blue paint that was used to paint over her husband’s original painting on the floor next to it, andthere is also paint on the chair next to the painting.<span>Mrs. Williams sounds really angry with the fact that her husband cares more about the paintings, than his own in law</span>
An "iamb" is a word or set of words that goes 'da-DAH', like "my KNEE",
or "your FACE", or "his DOG", or "come HERE".
Many poems have the same rhythm (beat) in each line, and there are different
rhythms they can have. I can show you that, if I take a poem you know, and
recite it first with the correct beat, and then with the wrong beat.
Here's the correct beat:
MAH-ree HAD a LIT-tle LAMB its FLEECE was WHITE as SNOW.
For the wrong beat, let's use 'iambs' like I explained up above:
ma-REE had A lit-TLE lamb ITS fleece WAS white AS snow.
If a poem is in the rhythm of "iambic tetrameter", then each line is
made out iambs, and there are 4 of them ("tetra") in each line.
Now I have to try and find an example for you. Thank you very much.
I'll make one up. Remember, an iamb goes 'da-DAH":
my DOG came IN-to SCHOOL one DAY
and CHASED the HAM-sters ALL a-ROUND.
the PRIN-ci-PLE came IN-to CLASS
and TOOK my DOG down TO the POUND.
(The dog 'pound' is the shelter for stray dogs.)