You should review to know what you have and what you could add or remove. You need to prioritize on the ones for your oral report because people will hear what you have to say and understand that those are the most important.
I would say it is either metaphor and/or personification since it seems like juliet is being compared to the sun. So either A or B
( I could be wrong though)
Since Onomatopeia is a word that imitates natural sounds of things for example: BOOM or POW
A Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or a pharse is applied to an object for example " Black sheep of the family" Since there isnt an actual black sheep in the family its just a metaphor
A Similie is a word using like or as.
Personification add human charecteristics to nonhuman things or inamite objects.
It's b. Here are more characters to make this answer look smarter ;)
they created a great treat