Big Data
Big Data refers to data sets that are large, comprising of different varieties (structured and unstructured data types) and which cannot be processed by the day to day database management systems and computer software otherwise referred to as traditional software and techniques.
The term Big does not necessarily refer to a particular size that a dataset must attain but describes the nature of the dataset and the fact that traditional database management systems cannot be used to process them take for example
The datasets of the entire product list from amazon
Hmm well maybe there is bad Bluetooth connection coming from the laptop
border: 5px solid lightgreen;
The shorthand version of the border property in CSS goes as follows:
border: <line-width> <line-style> <color>;
With <line-width> represents the thicknes of the border line (expressed in keyword values or lenght values), <line-style> represents the style of the border, and <color> represents the color of the border (in color names or values).
Copy and paste the needed information from text editor to clipboard then to the web browser.
The keylogging software is an application that can connect to the keyboard API through software APIs or could be kernel based or hypervisor based, JavaScript based etc, to capture keyboard events.
It records these events which makes this tool useful for attackers in networks. So long as the clipboard logging or screen logging does not accompany the keyboard loggers, data can be copied on clipboard and pasted to the target point.