Malaria can be described as a disease which is caused by a parasitic organism. The Anopheles mosquito carries the parasite Plasmodium in it. When this mosquito bites a human being, the parasite gets transferred into the blood of the person causing malaria. Before entering the blood cells, the plasmodium travel to the liver where they get matured.
Malaria is a life-threatening disease which kills many humans each year, especially people living in underdeveloped countries.
Simulations generally involve a simple design. In contrast, the world is a very complex system. Many events, such as how we farm, can disrupt the world's delicate balance. Simulations do not take into account the varied interactions that affect events in the real world.
A, an example is our sun :)
1)El ciclo del agua no se inicia en un lugar específico, pero para esta explicación asumimos que comienza en los océanos. ... Corrientes ascendentes de aire llevan el vapor a las capas superiores de la atmósfera, donde la menor temperatura causa que el vapor de agua se condense y forme las nubes.
2)El sol, que dirige el ciclo del agua, calienta el agua de los océanos, la cual se evapora hacia el aire como vapor de agua. Corrientes ascendentes de aire llevan el vapor a las capas superiores de la atmósfera, donde la menor temperatura causa que el vapor de agua se condense y forme las nubes.
Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of respiration while oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Remember that a byproduct is a secondary product that is made in the synthesis of another. It is unintended and excreted.