there are two basic reasons for project success or project failure.
It is the last stage of managing the project and occurs after the implementation phase has ended. The main purpose of the close-out stage is to evaluate how well you performed and to learn lessons for the future.
Establishing Arabic as the official language throughout the empire
Principalmente, las antiguas civilizaciones que lograron trascender territorialmente y crear grandes imperios fueron aquellas que lograron un mayor desarrollo en términos armamentísticos, de defensa y de transporte.
Así, quienes desarrollaron mayores tecnologías para sustentar sus incursiones bélicas, como las catapultas, los arietes o incluso la pólvora, fueron quienes posteriormente lograron trascender en batalla y conquistar nuevos territorios.
A su vez, en materia de defensa, la construcción de fortalezas a través del desarrollo de la arquitectura y la ingeniería permitió una mejor y más estable defensa de los territorios conquistados, lo que redundó en una mayor seguridad para la población y una mayor capacidad de respuesta militar en caso de ataque.
Por último, la creación y el desarrollo de tecnologías como los barcos o los caminos permitieron una mayor rapidez en el traslado de personas y bienes entre los distintos puntos de estos imperios, facilitando así una mayor y mejor interconexión económica y política entre los distintos rincones de dichos imperios.
No one knows for sure who first invented such money, but historians believe metal objects were first used as money as early as 5,000 B.C. Around 700 B.C., the Lydians became the first Western culture to make coins. Other countries and civilizations soon began to mint their own coins with specific values. The federal government began issuing paper currency during the American Civil War. As photographic technology of the day could not reproduce color, it was decided the back of the bills would be printed in a color other than black. Because the color green was seen as a symbol of stability, it was selected.
Nationalism was a great cause of World War one because of countries being greedy and not negotiating. Nationalist groups in Austria-Hungary and Serbia wanted independence. France wanted Alsace Lorraine back from Germany who was lost in 1871 Franco-Prussian war.