Answer: C. The species is classified in a clade that does not include all protists.
The Kingdom Protists involves organisms which are simple in structure and functions. Some of these organisms have characteristics common to both plants and animals. A clade represents a group of organisms that have all characteristics common to their ancestor. The example of algea given here, has characteristics which are found mainly in plants belongs to Kingdom Plantea. Therefore, the clade of these Protists can be related with those of plants but cannot be related to Protists which exhibit animal like characteristics.
Therefore, species is classified in a clade that does not include all Protists.
1. most of the energy
2. light and heat
interdependance can be defined as dependance upon each other...
El tipo de acción metabólica que genera la glucólisis y la respiración celular se llama catabolismo porque en ambos procesos se descomponen las moléculas lo cual es una acción catabólica. El catabolismo es una forma de metabolismo que descompone moléculas más grandes en unidades más pequeñas que son utilizadas por la célula para liberar energía o utilizadas en otras reacciones anabólicas significa la síntesis de moléculas complejas en organismos a partir de otras más simples.