I do not know which states but the main countries are China, India, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Britain.
The decline of the Roman Empire allowed for the nations of England and France to develop.
The Anglo-Saxons took over after the fall to form England. The rise of the Franks was where Germanic kings led loosely united clans which eventually formed into France.
Monroe Doctrine--This doctrine was announced in 1823 as a statement to Europe that they were no longer welcome in the Western Hemisphere as colonial holders.
Following the American Revolution and those of Mexico, Haiti, and South America, European countries had been almost completely pushed out of the Western Hemisphere. James Monroe announced his doctrine in 1823, stating the US would assist any country who had their independence threatened. This was to ensure the freedom of these new countries.
El Perú se caracteriza por su diversidad lingüística, actualmente se reconoce 48 lenguas originarias por ello en zonas indígenas y amazónicas se promueve la: Educación intercultural bilingüe Educación pluricultural bilingüe Educación multicultural bilingüe Educación acultural bilingüe