This content was originally written for an undergraduate or Master's program. It is published as part of our mission to showcase peer-leading papers written by students during their studies. This work can be used for background reading and research, but should not be cited as an expert source or used in place of scholarly articles/books.
Foreign Policy includes all interactions of individual nation – states with other states. In the wake of globalization, in the 21st century it is particularly important, owing to the interdependence of states. With the advent of international society and globalization implications of foreign policy for each nation-state are far greater. The study of Foreign Policy therefore has become ever more critical and important. The study of Foreign Policy is not limited to any particular school of social science but is a relevant subject for all. In International Relations this study is particularly important as foreign policies form the base for international interactions between individual states.
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In the 21st century, decisions by one state affect more than just the participating countries. Scholars as well as well policy analysts and even the general public, have a greater desire to understand foreign policy decisions and what motivates the head of government in his foreign policy decision making. Scholarly research on leadership and foreign policy decision making show a far more sophisticated and complex view of the issue than most of the simplistic views seen in the popular press. The popular press prefers pointing finger at the executor of foreign policy decisions as it is easier to blame one person than a group or a system. However scholarly research uncovers the motivations behind foreign policy decision taken by the executor or in better words head of a government.
He created the kingdom of camelot in which all knights were equal.
Renaissance man was very well rounded educated man who knew the arts, dance, music, literature. Renaissance woman educated supposed to be endorsing and support her man, but not be involved in politics.
Based on my prior knowledge, 90% positive the answer SHOULD be,"C)<span>Trusts should be allowed to exist, but with tight government regulatory control".
(DONT report me i answered the same question twice with the same answer)</span>
Based on information, your corrct answer would be Option C. Before battles, the Persian Empire became very strong, and they had a good leadership mainly because of Cyrus. And because they were so strong and they had enough power, they simply just drove them out of their land and expanded there land control over to Asia.