The Supreme court of the United States has ruled that every criminal has the right to a fair and impartial judge under the Sixth Amendment
In modern America, all defendants have the right to either choose a Judge or a Jury. Most Americans often opt for a jury for their cases, while most misendeavor cases are usually taken care of by a judge.
the goal was to "convert the wrongdoer"
Gandhi hoped to make the world aware of British injustice by accepting punishment without striking back He also hoped to make the British aware of their own wrongdoing.
judas offered to betray Jesus in exchange for money—30 pieces of silver
<span>Is a </span>program<span> of the United States government whose main </span>purpose<span> is to purchase </span>assets<span> and equity from financial institutions in order to strengthen its financial sector. It was signed by President George W. Bush on October 3.