a. the first physical depiction of a new product is the best otion A prototype is the physical form of an idea or concept, usually in a model.
Ashley should review medical records for documentation compliance for CPT, Level II HCPCS, and diagnosis codes determining that regulations are being complied with as evidenced in medical record documentation; and evaluating appropriateness of billing and coding procedures.
Export of labor-intensive products
Heavy investment in building a world-class infrastructure to attract foreign investment
The population of China is the highest in the world, hence they concluded that they needed to use their number to their own advantage by adopting a labor-intensive production technique which enables them to export their products as well as ensuring a higher percentage of the populace is gainfully employed, little wonders how China products are available the world over.
Also, they provided world class infrastructures which serve as incentives for foreign direct investment, for instance Apple moved its main factory to China due to the cheaper and available workforce coupled with the state of the art technological infrastructural development achieved by the Chinese people.
What do you mean what yousnap
sigma is a philosophy and set of methods companies use to eliminate defects in
their products and processes<span>.
It also seeks to reduce variation in the processes that
lead to product defects. It measures quality,
process for Continuous Improvement and enabler for culture
change so culturally six sigma means companies must learn how to be nearly
flawless in executing key processes and achieving business imperatives. Quantitatively six sigma means the average process generates no
more than 3.4 defects per million. Therefore, based on the figures given above
the defects per million opportunities (DPMO) is 15, 333 and the defective rate
us 1.533% and the passed rate is 98.467%.</span>