The answer is d, the Green Party. Traditionally around the world, green parties support pacifism and environmental causes, and this happens to be the same case in the US as well, despite the party’s lack of significance.
The Wagner Act, <span>signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt on July 5, 1935,</span> allowed labor unions to participate in collective bargaining with business managers.
It's used in order to punish other nations.
From Hagrid and a book i read they stated,"In old times, tariffs was used heavily on countries that dominating nations have conquered as a form of punishment towards the citizens in order to effectively command/control them. It's simply like how authorities punish criminals."
stated so this answer is right (plus I read something about this0
phones laptops desktops xrays tvs projecters
There was many reasons for the fall , including foreign epidemics and weaponry, the spaniards skilled manipulation of power played a key role in the great empires demise