The Party and its beliefs were placed in the period wherein Stalin rise to power and in the Stalinism's Institution in the Republics of Union of Soviet Socialist.
Was there a “back door” to World War II, as some revisionist historians have asserted? According to this view, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, inhibited by the American public’s opposition to direct U.S. involvement in the fighting and determined to save Great Britain from a Nazi victory in Europe, manipulated events in the Pacific in order to provoke a Japanese attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, thereby forcing the United States to enter the war on the side of Britain
It was wrong of the US to create an alliance with the Soviet Union because they did not support democracy or free trade.
It was right of the US to create an alliance with the Soviet Union because they were a willing ally against violence dictatorships and they were willing to support a people's choice in government.
Before the Revolutionary War, most American colonists called themselves (C)Englishmen.