War finance, fiscal and monetary methods that are used in meeting the costs of war, including taxation, compulsory loans, voluntary domestic loans, foreign loans, and the creation of money.
B. Tuskegee Army Air Field
none of the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B. A tax loophole for corporations
For more info on what earmark is, go here; https://www.bing.com/search?FORM=INCOH2&PC=IC04&PTAG=ICO-3b7743ede47ed03f&q=earmark+defintion
Disagreements between the two formed early divisions within the government regarding policies on economics. They became the foundation for political parties as Hamilton wanted to have high trade tariffs and a centralized bank (Bank of the United States) and Jefferson wanted to concentrate on what would be good for the common man (the policies of the Democrat-Republicans).