To develop strong habits, become independent in their academics, and to value education in general.
The years of middle school, especially 7th grade, is packed with information that will influence your high school career and forward on. This part of life school is where the tool to prepare you for life really goes to work; And if you pay attention and listen and do what you need to do, especially at this time of life, I promise you, after experiencing and going through middle school myself, you will be prepared, whether you notice or not, for the rest of your academic career, and keep it up, your up for a prepared future just for you.
When the Monroe Doctrine was written, the US had just formed and was not ready to fight the European powers. Monroe basically asked Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere because they were afraid of getting attacked.
The creator, James Monroe, was interested in keeping the United States out of a war it was not prepared for. Though it was out of fear, there was some thinking through; people voted on it, after all.
Note that by "afraid of getting attacked," I not only mean getting attacked through soldiers and cannons but also by taking over nearby areas and competing with the US for natural resources.
Answer: Easier life for us humans. Since the stage of "hunt and gather" has been replaced with sedntary cultures, now we dont have to do the things people did back then. Example hunt, move place to place to find food, walk, send mails or go directly to a person to talk to them. Now we have become lazy leting technology do the life things that people did back then without us needed to even get off of our feet to do them we can just do them directly from our homes throught the internet.