How would you help this person change his or her inflow (income) and outflow (expenses) to improve his or her financial health?
Recommend ways for this person to increase his or her income or decrease expenses. How would your plan change this person’s net worth over time? Write a response that includes specific suggestions and calculations.
One of the most important part of the adulthood and life in general is personal expenses management.
<u>To improve your financial help you must first classify your expenses</u>, and <u>design a plan</u> or <u>just simply take record of all your expenses and incomes to adjust to an easy saving plan</u> or <u>low expenses plan</u>. The most common plan is to <u>set goals and milestones</u> that you can reach.
Having your finances controlled and recorded you are able to get good control of your life and habits and definitely that is a remarkable improvement in your personal life.