Largest planet in the solar system.
Answer: a. role strain.
ROLE STRAIN is a phenomenon that occurs when one is having difficulty meeting the responsibilities of a SPECIFIC role in their life which in this case is that of a student.
The student is required to study hard as well as perform volunteer work as a student meaning the responsibilities might conflict under the SPECIFIC role of student.
This is different from ROLE CONFLICT where MULTIPLE roles conflict each other such as an employee student having the job's responsibilities conflicting with the responsibilities required of a student.
B) vicarious punishment.
Vicarious punishment is the tendency to avoid some behaviors that had been criticized or had a bad result. In this case, Adam saw that his sister was scolded because of a wrong behavior (to hit another child, in this case). Adam used to do the same, but after realizing that it was a bad thing, then he begins to avoid, just because he saw the consequences in his sister.
Que la primera guerra mundial fue consecuencia directa del nuevo
imperialismo de las principales potencias del siglo XIX, la más
interesada en la guerra era Reino Unido ya q Alemania estaba emergiendo
desde su unificación como la primera potencia y amenazaba fuertemente su
industria y marina, la otra gran interesada era Francia ya q después d
la derrota en la guerra franco prusiana quería la revancha para
recuperar Alsacia y Lorena, ahora a todo este ambiente d tención
cualquier pretexto era bueno para comenzar la guerra, pero en si lo q
pretendía el imperialismo d principios del siglo XX era tener el mayor
número d colonias para tener el mayor número d productos para la
El imerialismo antes d la segunda guerra mundial no fue el mismo q en el
caso anterior, ya q el mundo apenas se recuperaba de la crisis d 1929,
fue en esta época cuando Reino Unido alcanzo su máxima extensión
colonial sin embargo aquí el detonante fue la ideología d Hitler d
recuperar territorios perdidos y d expandir Alemania lo q causó la
Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando invadio Polonia, cabe destacar q después d
la segunda guerra mundial la mayoría d los países africanos y d las
colonias británicas se independizaron </span>
Effective time management allows students to complete more in less time, because their attention is focused and they're not wasting time on distractions (such as social media, for example. Efficient use of time also reduces stress, as students tick off items from their to-do list.
Effective time management is associated with greater academic performance and lower levels of anxiety in students; however many students find it hard to find a balance between their studies and their day-to-day lives.