I would select A. Nitrogen due to the fact Nitrogen is found in most soil samples and Aluminum and mercury are metals. Also, limestone i don't find beneficial to plants whatsoever.
You don't need sugar for energy. Carbo hydrates and protiens gets converted into glucose for energy. Whereas if you eat sugar it will mess with your glucose level in blood. It is linked with diseases and health hazards such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases,obesity,cognitive dysfunction in children, aging faster,etc.
Morever as you age your body can't handle too much spike in blood sugar leading to t2d(insulin resistivity /low production of insulin).
Also as sugar crosses brain barrier easily, it will cause several brain diseases eventually.
In Part I we learned that sickle cell anemia was recognized to be the result of a genetic mutation, inherited according to the Mendelian principle of incomplete dominance.