D. exporting more goods than importing
Trade unions in Africa have received a great deal of attention from various labour analysts, especially in regard to their contributions to the struggles against neoliberalism during the harsh time of structural adjustment programs. The kingdom of Swaziland (recently renamed as Eswatini) has constantly been faced with persistent labour unrests associated with increased demands for democratic openness (Simelane, 2016).
Locating trade union activism along these lines suggests that unions are neither delinked from the state nor regional or global institutions. Thus, as a way of consolidating their strategies, they make use of various public spaces, either at the local or international level to raise their grievances and issues. Like most of the civil society organisations, they can demonstrate leverage (capacity and power) to engage institutions at different geographical levels. This engagement shapes their strategies and practices as well as the various roles that trade union actors play in regional governance.
After deportation trains arrived at the killing centers, guards ordered the deportees to get out and form a line. The victims then went through a selection process. Men were separated from women and children. A Nazi, usually an SS physician, looked quickly at each person to decide if he or she was healthy and strong enough for forced labor. This SS officer then pointed to the left or the right; victims did not know that individuals were being selected to live or die. Babies and young children, pregnant women, the elderly, the handicapped, and the sick had little chance of surviving this first selection.
French Indochina, officially known as the Indochinese Union after 1887 and the Indochinese Federation after 1947, was a grouping of French colonial territories in Southeast Asia. A grouping of the three Vietnamese regions of Tonkin, Annam, and Cochinchina with Cambodia was formed in 1887.