balance_due in descending sequence.
When this query is executed, the rows will be sorted by balance_due in descending sequence.
Phishing is a social engineering attack where users are asked to respond to an email or are directed to a website where they are requested to login with their personal credentials, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
How Phishing Works?
The attacker first carefully designs a web page identical to a real bank with fine details. Then attacker persuades the victim to go to this fake web page with login screen. The attacker gets all the information typed and enter into that fake web page. The victim often thinks that this is exactly my bank's web page so nothing is going to happen if I put log in credentials.
How to avoid Phishing?
This kind of attack can always be spotted with one simple trick. Check the address of the web page carefully. The attacker can design the web page according to his wish but he cannot have control over the web address of a real bank or real a website.
Some general safety tips are:
- Don't open links from spam emails.
- Don't download malicious software.
- Don't share personal information with strangers
Answer and Explanation:
Omnidirectional antenna are those antennas which receives the signals from multiple directions equally.These are the antennas that cannot get the signal from a particular direction thus gives the low throughput.
To get high throughput, directional antennas should be installed because they receive the signal from a particular direction only .Thus the signal received from these antenna work for a certain area.Example-Television antenna at homes are directional antennas names as Yagi-uda antennas.