Answer: Kiana should keep the book with her until she can return the book. Kiana should set a reminder on her phone to go off just before she normally goes to the library, as a reminder.
The rhyme scheme is "AA BB CC"
I think definition is the answer
hope it is right
On superficial structure level the speaker of the poem " The Parrot in the Cage" is parrot himself. On deep structure level, it is the poet himself or any modern day human being.
The parrot calls himself twice born because he has seen two completely different lives. He was born free, first in the forest, and he was born caged second time.
On deep structure level the poet is talking about himself or any modern day human being who is caged by his social duties to work and earn more and more. Man has to do things which he does not like, to perform even when he/she is tired.
Two different lives of the caged parrot are before and after being caught in the cage. One when he was totally free in the forests, could eat, drink, chatter, fly and do whatever and whenever he liked. The other life started when he was caged and now can not fly, can not drink cool waters from rivers, can not enjoy fresh and delicious fruits hanging on the forest trees.
These two lives of parrot can also be compared with man's life when he was a child and was free, and as an adult he has been caged by social duties and bound to please his master/boss.
Similarly, we can interpret these two lives as the lives of human beings in old times and in modern times. In old times human being were mostly free and did whatever pleased them, but in modern times, human beings have to work too much to earn more and more to please the society. Man is not man anymore, he has become a machine.
Menelaus most strongly affects the epic plot through his compelling speech.
You can see here in the speech that 'they all held their peace,' meaning that everybody stopped fighting in order to hear what Menelaus had to say. And what he said resonated with everyone so that their fighting stopped completely - his speech made them have a change of heart and heed his advice.