Attend traings
Because if you do you can learn diffent waay to do it and choose your way that you like.
ANd do not obseve poeple who has it easy
d. If X is NP - complete and Y is in NP then Y is NP - complete.
This can be inferred
The statement d can be inferred, rest of the statements cannot be inferred. The X is in NP complete and it reduces to Y. Y is in NP and then it is NP complete. The Y is not in NP complete as it cannot reduce to X. The statement d is inferred.
I can give you the perimeter "algorithm" but not the flowchart.
Here you go:
p = w * 4
p = perimiter,
w = width/height
4 = the amount of sides needed.
perimeter = width * 4
to include both width and height, we would instead use:
perimeter = 2(width+height)
This also works with rectangles ^
To find an area, it is just width * height. This is also compatible with rectangles.
Since the question expect us to declare a C-string, the solution code is written in C as follows:
- char ssn[9];
- scanf("%s",ssn);
A C-String is a string written in C language. It is an array of characters. To declare a C-string, we use the keyword, <em>char </em>and then followed with the variable name + brackets and the number of characters in the string. For example, we can create a C-String for the SSN number as in Line 1.
To read standard input into the array, we can use C built-in function, <em>scanf(). </em>Just include a string placeholder, %s, and the variable<em> ssn </em>as arguments to <em>scanf()</em>. This will assign the string input by user to variable <em>ssn</em> as C-String.