A cell can be compared to any organism that counts on different parts that have to fulfill their role for the sake of t's correct functioning, ex: a factory, a machine.
A cell can be compared to the school because every organel has a function to fulfill in order to keep the whole cell functioning in the right way. If any of the organells fails, the cell itself has to check what is wrong with it, and if the problem persists, the cell may die or replace it. The same happens with the school, it counts on different parts (teachers, directives, etc.) and if any of those parts fails, it has to be replaced before the structure itsellf gets damaged.
Answer choice D, as it shows that the experiment is repeated.
The researcher centred on the potential uses of biochar, charcoal primarily used for agricultural and to improve the quality of post mining sites.
A method called mountaintop removal was used by mining firms. This means that they remove rock and mineral deposits off the top of the mountain to gain access to within the coal seams. The resulting soil is infertile and strongly acidic.
The compacted soil after mine proves harder to bring seed into the soil.
The researchers try to use biochar to help reforest the soil at the post-mining site. Before it was reseeded and replanted, they got permission to add a layer of biochar to a post-mining site. the team created
“planting cells” of biochar‐enhanced soil on the post‐mining site and that showed improvment in the sapling growth.
All living things are made up of cells.
irrigation systems, water moves across the surface of an agricultural lands,
Two different methods of irrigation are- modern methods that include sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation; traditional irrigation that includes manual irrigation where water is pulled out by the farmers themselves from the wells and canals to irrigate the land.