I think what caused this change is that in the hallway she feels more free to do anything she basically wants but in the classroom she has to behave.
brainliest pls?
The Passage B supports the theme that perseverance pays off.
The tortoise with a pretty daughter is a story of how a king declared that any daughter born in the kingdom more beautiful than the prince's wives , should be killed along with her family members.
There was a tortoise to whom, a beautiful daughter was born. While the mother wanted the girl to be killed to save themselves, the tortoise was against it and saved his daughter by keeping her hidden.
When the prince accidentally saw her,he fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. The king wanted to kill the beautiful damsel but, when he saw her beauty, he had a change of heart.
This shows that the Tortoise was wisest of all Men and animals, as his perseverance paid off. He without getting scared chose to protect his daughter and waited for the king to realize, how wrong he was to pass this law.
In return for his perseverance , he not only got his daughter married to the king's son , but also got half of the Kingdom along with riches and slaves.
1. This relates to the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. After Gawain rode in order to find the Green Chapel and face the Green Knight he stays at the castle of the local lord who proposes him a game. He will give Gawain what he caught that day and Gawain was to give him whatever he won that day. On the last day lords wife gives Gawain a green sash that will make him invulnerable and he will need it if he is to survive the meeting with the Green Knight. He withholds this from the lord. Gawain thus breaks his promise and it serves as a reminder of his failure to uphold the knightly ideals. This is why he decides to wear it, as a reminder of his failure.
2. After his fight with the Green Knight, who turned out to be the lord Gawain stayed with, he recounts the tale of his ordeal to his fellow knights. He explains them the importance of the green sash as well. They laugh but agree suggest they begin wearing them for his sake. It is thus through the ages seen as the symbol of honor.
Proper focus for essays include something along the lines of:
- White's development of man versus technology in "The World of Tomorrow"
- The influence of media propaganda in the Nazi regime
- The effects on women's rights in Canada stemming from participation in the war effort from 1939-1945
- The cultural impact of olives in Spanish culture
- The impact of developments in aerial technology on the success of parties during WWI.
- The significance of gender and power in Julie Taymor's film adaptation of <em>The Tempest.</em>
1. Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon.
2. Use an introductory or explanatory phrase but not a complete sentence separated from the quotation with a comma.
3. Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting.
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