the pleasure principle
This is an instinct that seeks pleasure and avoids of pain in order to satisfy biological and psychological needs. It is the driving force of the id which is essentially a primitive, animalistic, and primeval elements of the mind
Two of the important leaders were Pherozeshah Mehta and Dadabhai Naoroji, hopes this helps!
The answer is below
A. Robert Hooke worked in England
B. Robert Hooke did his research in the year 1665
C. Some of the Robert Hooke's discoveries are Cells, the law of elasticity, the fifth star in the trapezium, phenomenon of diffraction.
D. Hooke's discoveries important to the study of cells because it led to the discovery of cells and the creation of the cell theory
The type of harassment that occurs when a manager or supervisor leverages a "you do this for me and I'll do that for you" scenario is referred to as the quid pro quo harassment.
- A quid pro quo harassment is often done in order to get a favor in return for doing something for someone at the workplace. This favor can be both, physical or monetary.
- In most cases, this type of harassment is done for physical favors and women are the most vulnerable victims of such type of harassment.
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