There are eight hydrogen atoms as it states H8
D. We are hardwired to actively look for partners similar to ourselves.
- The concept of homogamy is a marriage between the two individuals that are in some culturally important ways similar to each other
- And is form of an associative mating and the union may be based upon the socio-economic status and gender and ethnicity and religion and age also matters in some of the homo-gamy traditions.
This question has no answer, as it explains the DEVELOPMENTS IN MEDICINE IN WESTERN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST THREE CENTURIES or safe to say this isn't exactly a question, rather it is a list of statements Sociologists are likely to develop in reference to the development of medicine in the western culture.
For instance, Sociologist is a scientist that studies the subject SOCIOLOGY which in turn is the study of society, human social interaction and the rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups and institutions.
With this definition of Sociologist and Sociology, we can deduce that the listed statement;
(a. a trend toward seeing the origins and treatments of disease as physical and explicable in scientific terms
b. the acceptance of the hospital as the setting within which to treat serious illnesses
c. the development of the medical profession as a body with codes of ethics and significant social power
d. the requirement that medical training be systematic and long term) are likely what Sociologist will include in the development of medicine.
In the wars that the “founding fathers”, the main leaders of the colonists at that time, stood out.
It was these leaders who drafted, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence of the United States and, after the war, in 1787, composed the so-called Bill Of Rights, that is, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the United States of America, which prevails until today. For this reason, they were called "founding fathers", or "fouding fathers", as they are considered to be those who gave the United States a political-legal architecture, claiming its right to exist as an independent nation-state.
The main names among the “founding fathers” are: <u>John and Samuel Adams, George Washington (who became the first president), Thomas Jefferson, George Clymer, Benjamin Franklin, George Tylor and George Rea.</u>