There were several immediate stated causes for the U.S. declaration of war: first, a series of trade restrictions, Orders in Council (1807), introduced by Britain to impede American trade with France, a country with which Britain was at war (the U.S. contested these restrictions as illegal under international law); second, the impressment (forced recruitment) of U.S. citizens into the Royal Navy; third, the British military support for American Indians who were offering armed resistance to the expansion of the American frontier to the Northwest. President James Madison and Congress declared what is sometimes referred to as the 2nd War of Independence, the War of 1812.
It was B. border dispute with Mexico
D. Impeachment
In the case of a presidential impeachment trial the Chief Justice of the United States presides. The constitution requires a two thirds vote of the Senate to convict and the penalty for an impeached official upon conviction removal from office
The answers are A and D.
The transantlantic slave trade involved m<span>illions of Africans kidnapped into slavery over the course of 300 years, and this was primarily necessary to replace the rapidly declining population of native people.
B is incorrect because the Middle Passage was a forced journey across the Atlantic Ocean, from Africa to the Americas. C is incorrect because this had been happening for thousands of years before. One is example is the Jewish people being sold into slavery by various civilizations in ancient times, such as the Egyptians. </span>
and numerals do not tend to mix. You might be talking about cultures that do
not have concepts of numerals i.e. words that designate numbers. Actually,
there are plenty of cultures that does that. For short, there are societies
where numbers and counting is non-existent. Some of these cultures include the
pre-contact Mocoví, Pilagá, Jarawara, Jabutí, Canela-Krahô, Botocudo (Krenák),
Chiquitano, the Campa languages, Arabela, Khoisan language speakers, and
Achuar. Before contact with modern civilization, these isolated cultures have
no idea about counting and numbering. It seems that counting developed in
cultures that engaged in commerce.</span>