The percentage change in price is:

The percentage change in supply is:

The price elasticity of supply is given by:

The price elasticity of supply is 2.5.
Operations manager should ensure quality control is done at all stages in the production cycle to ensure highest standard. If quality check is carried out only at the final stage defects that should have been spotted earlier will cause product to be discarded.
So checking the product at the last stage is counter-productive.
<h2>Statistics Suggest You Will Change Careers More Frequently</h2><h3>The average person will change careers 5-7 times during their working life according to career change statistics. With an ever increasing number of career choices, 30% of the workforce will now change careers or jobs every 12 months.</h3>
The correct answer is B. Conflict is a normal part of everyday workplace.
Conflict is the term to refer to the situation in which two or more people disagree on any matter, that is, they have different points of view on the same thing and neither of them gives in or agrees to negotiate mediation on such matters. affair. This is due to the diversity of likes, thoughts, beliefs, preferences of people that influence their actions in daily life. According to the above, in a workplace, it is very common to find conflict situations because different people are working on the same issues and each one has specific considerations of how it would be better to do things; however, this does is not necessarily negative or reduces productivity; indeed, conflict can lead to negotiation, cooperation and new ideas. So, the correct answer is B. Conflict is a normal part of everyday workplace.
b. deducted from net income whether declared or not
The formula to compute the basic earning per share is shown below:
Basic earning per share = (Net income - preferred stock dividend) ÷ (weighted average of outstanding shares)
In the case of the non- convertible cumulative preferred stock, the dividend should be paid whether the business earns profit or loss. If the business does not earn any profit during a particular year, in that period the dividend amount is carried forward to next year.
So, the dividend arrears are to be paid to the cumulative preferred stock.