Children with ASD most typically have issues in <u>Gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and motor imitation.</u>
- A neurological and developmental condition known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has an impact on how people connect with others, communicate, learn, and conduct.
- Autism is classified as a "developmental condition" since symptoms often occur in the first two years of life, even though it can be diagnosed at any age.
A person with autism spectrum condition, whether a child or an adult, may struggle with social skills and communication, which could include any of the following symptoms:
- Fails to acknowledge your call or occasionally seems not to hear you. Resists cuddling and holding, and seems to prefer playing alone, retreating into his or her own world.
- Infants and toddlers with autism have difficulty developing their motor abilities, and the more severe their condition, the slower their growth.
learn more about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) here:
Drug abuse refers to the non-medical or inadequate form of recurrent consumption of chemicals that affect a person’s mood or behavior. The term “psychoactive substance” or "drug" is used as a neutral and capacious term for a whole class of substances prohibited and permitted.
Such substances are usually both legal and illegal drugs (amphetamine, cocaine, cannabis, opiates, ecstasy, LSD), alcohol, as well as psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers, barbiturates).
By abuse is meant a use that is harmful, for example because the substance is taken in excessive quantities, taken in harmful combination with another substance, or taken strenuously without any medical basis. Substance abuse can in the symptom picture be similar to habitual disorders (impulse control disorders) and self-harm behavior.
Debate about the practice of using various psychoactive substances has been going on since ancient times. The abuse of such substances negatively affects the lives of not only their direct users, but also of their relatives and the whole society.
When implementing a personal plan if you believe you will struggle on it take it step by step or slowly to prevent yourself from doing more then you can
The answer is allowing young children to play with small toys.